Hurricane Preparation

The threat of a hurricane is serious in Florida. Hurricane season is among us, lasting from June 1st to November 30th. Florida is the most hurricane-prone state in the U.S. and has been hit by 125 hurricanes since 1851. Luckily we typically have a warning in advance that a hurricane is on the way to the sunshine state. With this time, it is important to properly prepare for you and your property to be protected from possible threat and damage. Here’s some tips below to limit potential damage.

Gathering Emergency Supplies

Gather emergency supplies to prepare for a hurricane. You can keep these supplies stocked year round. Below is a list of supplies that could make a difference while experiencing a hurricane. Always consider you may not have access to electricity, water, or food. Your necessities may differ from others.

Extra gasoline
Battery-powered radio
Portable phone charger
Toilet paper
Bottled water
First aid kit
Bug spray
Plastic sheeting or tarps
Duct tape
Can opener
Fire extinguisher
Maps of your local area
Copies of your driver’s license and other identification

Prepare Evacuation Route and Ensure Your Car Is Ready

If you’ve ever experienced a hurricane, you know that you may need to evacuate. Plan an evacuation route ahead of time. It’s always good to have a destination since roads will be packed with traffic as everyone evacuates to safer destinations. You will need to have your car fully fueled up ready to go with extra gas on hand. Waiting to get gas at the last minute may result in waiting in long lines at the gas station.

Prepare Your Home

Whether you are staying home or evacuating you should prepare your home for the storm. Secure your windows with storm shutters. In case of flooding make sure you know how to shut off your power and where to access power controls. Remove any items from your yard that you do not want damaged like furniture, grills, or children’s toys and store them in a safe place. Find any important documents or items and make sure they are in waterproof containers or high up. Find an easy to access location to keep the emergency supplies listed above. Throughout the year you can make sure your roof stays in good condition and repair when needed. Collecting emergency supplies throughout the year will save you time when needing to prepare for a hurricane.

Review Your Insurance Policy

Locate and review your homeowners, renters, flood, and car insurance. Know what is covered, not covered, deductibles, and policy limits.

During and after the storm

During the storm, always stay up to date on its location, strength, and progress. Stay away from windows, glass doors and skylights. Follow the instructions of your local officials and evacuate when told to do so. After a hurricane stay informed on when it is safe to return to your home if you evacuated. Make sure to stay alert and watch out for potential threats like downed electrical wires, flooded roads, fallen objects and weakened roads. Once you safely make it back to your home, access and record any damage. Visit for more information on hurricane safety.