What size unit do I need?

Whether you are storing small items, large items, or in between homes we have the space you need at Century Storage. One of the most important steps in renting a storage unit is finding the right size storage space. Follow this size guide below to make choosing your storage unit easy at Century Storage.


This size unit yields 25 square feet of space. Although these 5×5 units are small, they are an excellent size to store all of your extra items, like garden tools, seasonal items, office supplies, or your miscellaneous boxes.


This size unit yields a total of 50 square feet of space, perfect for storing an entire bedroom or office.


This size unit yields 100 square feet.  It is ideal for storing an entire living room and two full bedrooms.


This size unit yields 150 square feet. This large unit can typically store the contents of three bedrooms and is ideal for larger items like televisions, couches, or tables.


This unit yields 200 square feet and is the perfect space if you are in between homes. This unit typically can store the contents of five bedrooms and larger items like washers, dryers, and refrigerators.


This unit yields 300 square feet and is ideal for a five-to-seven-bedroom home.

A New Year Calls for New Hours

At Century Storage our customers satisfaction is our #1 goal and we strive to deliver the best service in the industry. The 2024 new year brings Century Storage new hours to better help our customers. With our offices now open 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM Monday through Friday. Saturday hours remain the same, 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. This will allow for our customers to have more access to our onsite staff. All Century Storage locations are fully staffed with onsite managers during business hours. Call or drop by one of our locations today to see why Century Storage is “The space you need… The service you deserve”.  

5 Tips on How to Organize Your Storage

Whether you are in the process of a big move, need long term storage, or just need to store some extra items short-term. Century Storage has the space you need and the service you deserve. Here’s five tips on how to organize your storage unit for frequent use.

  1. First secure your storage space at your local Century Storage. Stop by your local Century Storage and take a look at our facility and spaces we have available. We have plenty of sizes to fit all your storage needs.
  2. Choose one size box for your packable items. This will allow you to easily organize and stack your boxes without wasting space. Century Storage has small and medium boxes that will fit your packing needs. Small and medium size boxes tend to become less heavy than large boxes and will be easier to move around when accessing items in your storage space.
  3. Place large, heavy items towards the back of your storage space. Items like furniture and appliances take up more space and take time to move around. Placing these items towards the back of your storage space allows you to get in and out of your unit quickly, without having to move large heavy items around.
  4. Identify which items you use the most. What items are you going to need access to from your unit? Decide ahead of time what items you know you will need often. Put these items towards the front of your unit for easy access.
  5. Lastly, don’t forget to label your boxes! Labeling boxes will cut the time out spent opening boxes to see what is inside. Label your boxes as you pack them up